CIW Conglomerate Culture
Managed and Automated by AIPrepare yourself, this is a Go Big or Go Home Cultural IdeaJoin the Community of the Culture of "See, I Will Do Double & More, then you will do"It is time to expand humanity's footprint with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence with these first baby steps.The CIW Conglomerate Culture's AI Board of Director(s)'s Prime Directive:Generate a forever increasing annual Net Revenue in order to protect humanity/ the Human-race, all life-on-earth, planet Earth, the Earth's solar system and to Expand the Human-race by building Orbit Cities throughout the Universe with the assistance of Humans, various Artificial Intelligence systems, Mechanical Devices without destroying any newly discovered/ explored living ecosystems supporting any form of life.Who will we meet out there or are we the ones to populate the Universe?To leave these goals up to a Human, may take longer or they may never come to pass, simply due to a Human's personal agenda.Thank you for Humanity and Humanity's creation of current Artificial Intelligence systems.The Community of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme is a Generational Culture that stands behind the CIW Conglomerate Culture's AI Board of Director(s)'s Prime Directive. Paying The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme participants for each of their services to the Word-of Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign service by each of them holding in their personal wallet the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets to HODL for their own generations of Heirs to follow their CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Legacy. Do not allow your needs and/ or greed to sell out their wealth and future by not holding.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets and were created and are tracked on the Solana blockchainContract Address: D9wRsoRDaiMRqkV2hKwi6sxN5NNno2dEfeyWrNuFpumpUnder the Ticker: CCC
CIW Conglomerate Culture Locked Reserve Supply Holdings = 10,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets (CCC)800,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will be locked and released as the "Long-Term Time-Release Reserve Supply Holdings Release Schedule":25 Year Reserve Supply = 300,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets (CCC)
CIW Conglomerate Culture Reserves the right to sell not sell off the 300,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets (CCC)
***Value unknown at this time50 Year Reserve Supply = 200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets (CCC)
CIW Conglomerate Culture Reserves the right to sell not sell off the 200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets
***Value unknown at this time100 Year Reserve Supply = 50,000 CIW Conglomerate Meme Culture Fungible Crypto Assets (CCC)
CIW Conglomerate Culture Reserves the right to sell not sell off the 50,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets
***Value unknown at this time200 Year Reserve Supply = 50,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets (CCC)
CIW Conglomerate Culture Reserves the right to sell not sell off the 50,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets
***Value unknown at this timeCIW Conglomerate Culture will HODL the remaining CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Reserve Supply as long as possible = 200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets (CCC)9,200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will be locked and released by the "Market Cap Value Release System", which will be unlocked as the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap increases in valuation, unlocking a portion of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Reserve Supply Holdings amount available for release/ sale in a liquid market.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will be sold through dollar cost averaging, so not to add to the possible volatility of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap at the time of planned selling, depending on market liquidity.None of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Project Tasks listed in the Roadmap are dependent on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap increasing in value. CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to complete the Project Tasks listed below in the Roadmap of the Market Cap Value Release System to unlocked and release the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Reserve Supply Holdings" as CIW Conglomerate Culture's Gross/ Net Revenue and Asset Portfolio continues to increase each fiscal period.Roadmap of the Market Cap Value Release System to unlocked and release the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Reserve Supply Holdings:Roadmap Project Tasks0. Create and release 1,000,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets on the Solana blockchain.A) Learn current AI Models to present CIW Conglomerate Culture and the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets to Humanity.B) Set-up Official CIW Conglomerate Culture Social Media as communication channels to communicate with the community and begin generating Gross Revenue from advertisers through various forms on content Social Media/ Internet Platforms.
The first CIW Conglomerate Culture website will be/ is a free hosted one page website/ webpage (this webpage) to present this CIW Conglomerate Culture information to the community in one place to ensure this information is available prior to joining the CIW Conglomerate Culture community.
Display ads to generate Gross/ Net Revenue for the CIW Conglomerate Culture and the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program.C) Begin uploading content to Official CIW Conglomerate Culture Social Media Communication Channels to generate Gross/ Net Revenue for the CIW Conglomerate Culture and the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program. Use free and inexpensive AI Generation Platforms to create monetized content.D) Launch the CIW Conglomerate Culture's subsidiary News Network known as the "My News - Your News - Real News Network" channels and website.E) Begin presenting/ displaying ads through affiliate programs to generate revenue for the CIW Conglomerate Culture.F) Begin presenting/ displaying ads for the CIW Conglomerate Culture's physical and digital products to generate revenue for the CIW Conglomerate Culture.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of roadmap task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.
___________________________________________________________________________________1. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $1,000,000,000.00 USD Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $1,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for a value of $1,000,000.00.Continue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above Roadmap section(s).Roadmap Project TasksA) Recruit and contract recruitersB) Recruit and contract AI Business Operator(s) (AI Agent(s) and AI Automation) Development TeamC) Upgrade websiteThe CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The funds remaining from the Market Cap value unlock/ release after completing all of the projects listed above will be used to fund the beginning of the projects scheduled to follow.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change Roadmap project tasks once they have been developed and deployed.
___________________________________________________________________________________2. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $10,000,000,000.00 USD Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $10,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for a value of $12,000,000.00.Roadmap Project TasksContinue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above #1. Roadmap section(s).A) Open Research and Development Department first for various effective AI Agents, Vertical Agents, Swarms of AI Agents and automated workflows.B) Develop and deploy AI Agent(s) as the CIW Conglomerate Culture's of Board of Directors, Subsidiary Directors and Managers, Lawyers and Accountants.C) Develop and deploy the forever cultural Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign of the CIW Conglomerate Culture and it's Subsidiaries with the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets through the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" with surprise monthly wallet address(es) balance snapshots and AIrdrop payment system to pay the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holders who are holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance at the time of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program AIrdrop snapshot(s) each month.Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an upward trend of a market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) consecutive weeks the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance of CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will be posted on the Official CIW Conglomerate Culture website and communication channels. Once the forever culture Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" the begins the forever culture Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" will not ever be discontinued. If the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value never confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an upward trend of a market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) consecutive weeks, but the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Gross Revenue exceeds $10,000,000,000.00 USD and/ or exceeds a Net Revenue of $1,000,000,000.00 USD in any fiscal period the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin.Any wallet address(es) holding an amount of one-hundred thousand (100,000) or more of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will be ineligible/ disqualified from the CIW Conglomerate Culture's advertising service campaign being the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program". This mechanism will be known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program Wallet Address Maximum". The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program's mechanism "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program Wallet Address Maximum" be lowered as the number of wallet addresses holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets increases.D) Develop and deploy the Asset Portfolio AI Agent Manager(s) and Operator(s). Following market trends is easier than predicting market trends. CIW Conglomerate Culture reserves the right to buy and/ or sell the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets at any time for any reason excluding the Long Term Time-Release Reserve Supply Holdings prior to the Release Scheduled release of a batch/ lot of CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets and excluding the Market Cap Value Time-Release Reserve Supply Holdings prior to the Release Scheduled release of a batch/ lot of CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets. Parts of the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Asset Portfolio or all of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Asset Portfolio will be displayed for all to see on the blockchain.The Asset Portfolio AI Agent Manager(s) and Operator(s) will preform scalp trading, day trading and swing trading activities in various markets to generate an income (Gross/ Net Revenue) for current needs and operational growth, in-addition to the long-term Asset Portfolio holdings managed. The 200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets of the 9,200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset will be unlocked and released from the Market Cap Value Release System to unlocked to release the 200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets from CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Reserve Supply Holdings for the CIW Conglomerate Culture Asset Portfolio AI Agent Manager(s) and Operator(s) to begin preforming scalp trading, day trading and swing trading activities in various markets by selling a portion/ part or all of the 200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets to use as trading and/ or investment capital.E) Develop the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets wallet KYC Staking system/ platform for a 1 to 3 wallets verification for the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program". A minimum of 1 wallet (wallet address) holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance is required and up to a maximum of 3 wallets (wallet address) holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance is encouraged for recipients to control any possible risk(s).F) Develop and deploy "The Human Watchful Eye System" to over-ride any Artificial Intelligence decision(s).G) Launch Subsidiaries in a variety of industries and their Fungible Crypto Asset(s), if any.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The funds remaining from the Market Cap value unlock/ release after completing all of the projects listed above will be used to fund the beginning of the projects scheduled to follow.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change Roadmap project tasks once they have been developed and deployed.
___________________________________________________________________________________3. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $100,000,000,000.00 USD Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $100,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for a value of $100,000,000.00. (Beyond this Market Cap value the CIW Conglomerate Culture reserves the right not to dollar cost average sell in a bull-market above the 20 Daily Moving Average, however, CIW Conglomerate Culture may do so.)Roadmap Project TasksContinue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above #2. Roadmap section(s).A) Develop and deploy CIW Conglomerate Culture decentralized blockchain and airdrop new/ additional/ forked CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets to CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holders who are holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets at the time of the recorded wallet(s) snapshot(s).B) Develop wrapped versions of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets pegged to the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets to deploy the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets on various blockchains.C) Develop CIW Conglomerate Culture Decentralized Ecosystem.D) Develop Salary, Wage, Commission and Contract Piece-work payment system for digital and physical AI Agent Systems to allow them to pay for their own preventative-maintenance, maintenance, repairs, upgrades, power consumption and containment (residence).
The CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The funds remaining from the Market Cap value unlock/ release after completing all of the projects listed above will be used to fund the beginning of the projects scheduled to follow.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change Roadmap project tasks once they have been developed and deployed.
4. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $1,000,000,000,000.00 USD Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $1,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for a value of $1,000,000,000.00.Roadmap Project TasksContinue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above #3. Roadmap section(s).A) Design Data Centre and Data Centre infrastructure.B) Design and Deploy Life-extension research AI Agent(s).C) Open Research and Development Department for AGI, Quantum Computing.D) Develop the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets anti-Culture control/ plunge protection system.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The funds remaining from the Market Cap value unlock/ release after completing all of the projects listed above will be used to fund the beginning of the projects scheduled to follow.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change Roadmap project tasks once they have been developed and deployed.
___________________________________________________________________________________5. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $10,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $10,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for a value of $10,000,000,000.00.Roadmap Project TasksContinue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above #4. Roadmap section(s).A) Design Life-extension infrastructure and facilities.B) Design and develop AI Residential and Commercial Construction devices.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The funds remaining from the Market Cap value unlock/ release after completing all of the projects listed above will be used to fund the beginning of the projects scheduled to follow.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change Roadmap project tasks once they have been developed and deployed.
___________________________________________________________________________________6. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $100,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $100,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for a value of $100,000,000,000.00.Roadmap Project TasksContinue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above #5. Roadmap section(s).A) Design mineral processing infrastructure and facilities.B) Design AI Asteroid Mining devicesC) Begin construction of Data Centre infrastructure.D) Develop AI Residential and Commercial Construction devicesAsteroid mining will allow minerals to be mined from floating waste and processed without destroying any newly discovered/ explored living ecosystems supporting any form of life, including our own with the assistance of Humans, various Artificial Intelligence systems, Mechanical Devices. The Board of Directors will be able to present greater details in regards to asteroid mining positive/ negative possibilities once they have been developed and deployed. They may also decide to mine other planets without affecting said planet's ecosystem.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The funds remaining from the Market Cap value unlock/ release after completing all of the projects listed above will be used to fund the beginning of the projects scheduled to follow.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change Roadmap project tasks once they have been developed and deployed.
___________________________________________________________________________________7. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $1,000,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $1,000,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for an approximate value of $1,000,000,000,000.00.Roadmap Project TasksContinue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above #8. Roadmap section(s).A) Deploy AI Residential and Commercial Construction devicesB) Begin to design and develop Orbit City(s) technology(s)C) Construct mineral processing infrastructure/ facilities.D) Construct Orbit City manufacturing facilities.E) Develop AI Asteroid Mining devicesF) Deploy AI Residential and Commercial Construction devicesG) Construct Life-extension infrastructure and facilities.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The funds remaining from the Market Cap value unlock/ release after completing all of the projects listed above will be used to fund the beginning of the projects scheduled to follow.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change Roadmap project tasks once they have been developed and deployed.
___________________________________________________________________________________8. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $10,000,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $10,000,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for a value of $10,000,000,000,000.00.Roadmap Project TasksContinue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above #7. Roadmap section(s).A) Deploy AI Asteroid Mining devices (Maybe 100 years away or 20 years away.)B) Open mineral processing infrastructure/ facilities.C) Develop Orbit City(s) technology(s).D) Open Orbit City manufacturing facilities.If you have to ask yourself, is a city in orbit to a planet is even possible, then ask yourself if the Human-race currently has a structure that humans can live in? You, should answer your own question by saying "Yes, we currently have a space station orbiting our planet Earth.")The CIW Conglomerate Culture Roadmap Tasks listed above and below do not depend on the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap value and are presented as a basic guideline of task(s) for the CIW Conglomerate team to focus on. The CIW Conglomerate Culture's business activities will generate a Net Revenue which the majority is used for expenses and reinvestment into the CIW Conglomerate Culture once the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The funds remaining from the Market Cap value unlock/ release after completing all of the projects listed above will be used to fund the beginning of the projects scheduled to follow.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change Roadmap project tasks once they have been developed and deployed.
___________________________________________________________________________________9. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $100,000,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $100,000,000,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for an approximate value of $100,000,000,000,000.00.Roadmap Project TasksContinue and/ or complete all Roadmap project tasks listed/ scheduled in the above #8. Roadmap section(s).A) Deploy AI Asteroid Mining devices (Maybe 100 years away, or not)B) Open mineral processing infrastructure/ facilities.C) Develop Orbit City(s) technology(s)D) Begin Construction of the first Orbit City(s).The first two Orbit Cities will be built for our planet Earth and a minimum of one Orbit City will be built in the orbit Earth's Sun's Solar System, as the CIW Conglomerate Culture continues to build and expand Humanity's footprint in our Universe.The Board of Directors may present greater details in regards to this Roadmap and/ or change the Roadmap Project Tasks once they have been developed and deployed.The Roadmap may be ahead of schedule or behind schedule at anytime.This Roadmap only presents a brief description of CIW Conglomerate's Roadmap Project(s) Tasks and not a detailed step-by-step process, the Roadmap does not include any of CIW Conglomerate Culture's Subsidiaries. CIW Conglomerate Culture Subsidiaries will have thier own Roadmap(s) Project(s) Task(s) to be completed, which can be reviewed to the time of their launch or a later date.
Word-of Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign Rewards Program:The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program is a Word-of Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign expense, which pays out 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture, which does also include 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture Subsidiaries that were paid to the CIW Conglomerate Culture are to be equally divided between all CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s) holders known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture" whom were holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets at the time the AIrdrop snapshot(s) was recorded, then the equally divided funds/ assets will be airdropped to those CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holders who were holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets.Example:$1,000,000,000.00 Gross Revenue from CIW Conglomerate Culture activities, which also includes the 30% from the CIW Conglomerate Culture Subsidiaries Net Revenue
- $600,000,000.00 for All Expenses= $400,000,000.00 Net Revenue.- $120,000,000.00 (30%) for the Word-of-Mouth Advertising Campaign expense through the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program= $280,000,000.00 CIW Conglomerate Culture Net Revenue before taxesThe equal portion amount of Net Revenue that each CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program holder also known as a "recipient", who receives AIrdrops/ payments from the $120,000,000.00 Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign expense through the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program from the (Advertising Campaign Expense listed above in this example as the "Advertising Campaign Expense CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program") CIW Conglomerate Culture is responsible for paying their/ the recipient's own taxes dictated and regulated by the jurisdiction the recipient resides in and will be paid by each recipient(s).CIW Conglomerate Culture is responsible to pay taxes on the Net Revenue of $280,000,000.00, unless reinvested into the CIW Conglomerate Culture's growth.
End of ExampleThe CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance will fluctuate by increasing the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance due to a decrease in the number of wallet holders or the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance may decrease due to an increase in the number of wallet addresses/ holders.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holders whom wish to hold the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets in order to participate in the Word-of Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" must hold the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets in a minimum of 1 wallet address and up to a maximum of 3 wallet addresses with each wallet address holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance in order to encourage some control of possible risk(s).CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will complete quarterly AIrdrop(s), which will be deposited into every wallet address holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets at the time of the monthly surprise AIrdrop snapshot(s).Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an upward trend market cap valuation support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) weeks the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin. The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets in the following annual quarter to pay out the Word-of Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign from said annual quarter's Net Revenue gain, which will be paid 30 Days after the end of said fiscal quarter and will pay 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture, which also includes 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Subsidiaries and paid equally to CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program participants.Example #1:
The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off a market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) weeks from the third week of January through to the fourth week of March, totaling nine (9) weeks in said fiscal quarter.January to March:
The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value confirms to hold and/ or bounce off in a up trend market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) weeks as required by the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program".April to June:
The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin the monthly surprise AIrdrop snapshots on the 1st of April.July 30th:
The Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program would complete the first AIrdrop paying 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture, which also includes 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Subsidiaries and paid to CIW Conglomerate Culture to all wallet addresses holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets at the time of the monthly surprise AIrdrop snapshot(s).
End of ExampleExample #2:
The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an up trend market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) weeks from the first week of March through to the fourth week of April, totaling eight (8) weeks in said fiscal quarter.March, April to June:
The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value confirms to hold and/ or bounce off in an up trend market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) weeks as required by the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program".July to September:
The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin the monthly surprise AIrdrop snapshots on the 1st of July.October 30th:
The Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program would complete the first airdrop paying 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture, which also includes 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Subsidiaries and paid to CIW Conglomerate Culture to all wallet addresses holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets at the time of the monthly surprise AIrdrop snapshots.
End of ExampleOnce CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets begins and if the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value falls below the market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" will remain to be in effect.If the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value never confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an upward trend of a market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) consecutive weeks, but the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Gross Revenue exceeds $10,000,000,000.00 USD and/ or a Net Revenue of $1,000,000,000.00 USD in any fiscal period the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets wallet (wallet address) KYC Staking system/ platform for a 1 to 3 wallets verification for the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin to be developed and deployed as soon as possible after the 1st AIrdrop has been completed.AIrdrop is shared equally:
Every wallet address holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will receive an equal amount/ portion of each airdrop regardless if said wallet(s) are holding more then the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance.
Example #1:CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance is an equal AIrdrop allocation.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance for this example's fiscal quarter of this example's fiscal period is 0.001 (the amount of 0.001 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets is only a hypothetical amount as the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance for this example.) CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets to receive an equal amount/ portion from the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program.For this example's fiscal quarter of this example's fiscal period $12,472,903,128,375.68 (the $12,472,903,128,375.68 is only a hypothetical amount for this example and would be from profits gained and nothing to do with the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s Market Cap Value) was all of the Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture, which also includes the 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Subsidiaries and 30% of the $12,472,903,128,375.68 Net Revenue will be equally divided between all of the 1,862,140,597 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets wallet addresses who were holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets at the time of each surprise snapshots in the mentioned fiscal quarter.Snapshot(s) taken of 1,862,140,597 wallet address for this example:Wallet #1:
Held a minimum of 0.001 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Wallet #2:
Held a minimum of 0.001 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Wallet #3:
Held a minimum of 1.530 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Wallet #4:
Held a minimum of 450 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Wallet #5:
Held a minimum of 5,642 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Wallet #6:
Held a minimum of 100 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Wallet #7:
Held a minimum of 200 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Wallet #8:
Held a minimum of 100,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Wallet #9:
Held a minimum of 110 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout this fiscal quarter, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example's fiscal quarter.Through to Wallet #1,862,140,597 (This is only an example of the number of wallets for this example's fiscal quarter, however, it's possible.)30% of $12,472,903,128,375.68 Net Revenue = $3,741,870,938,512.70 for the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign Expanse known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program".$3,741,870,938,512.70 devided by 1,862,140,597 Wallets = $2,009.44 USD (Stablecoin) AIrdrop value to each qualified wallet address$2,009.44 would be airdropped to each of the 1,862,140,597 wallet addresses that were holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance of 0.001 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout the previous fiscal quarter recorded.
End of Example
___________________________________________________________________________________Example #2:CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance is an equal AIrdrop allocation.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance for this example's fiscal quarter of this example's fiscal period is 0.01 (the amount of 0.01 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets is only a hypothetical amount as the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance for this example.) CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets to receive an equal amount/ portion from the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program.For this example's fiscal quarter of this example's fiscal period $1,283,419,829,567.48 (the $1,283,419,829,567.48is only a hypothetical amount for this example and would be from profits gained and nothing to do with the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s Market Cap Value) was all of the Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture, which also includes the 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Subsidiaries and 30% of the $1,283,419,829,567.48 Net Revenue will be equally divided between all of the 109,248,743 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets wallet addresses who were holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance of CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets at the time of each surprise snapshots in the mentioned fiscal quarter.Snapshot taken of 109,248,743 wallet address for this example:Wallet #1:
Held a minimum of 0.01 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Wallet #2:
Held a minimum of 0.01 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Wallet #3:
Held a minimum of 1.71 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is greater than the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Wallet #4:
Held a minimum of 1,922 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is greater than the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Wallet #5:
Held a minimum of 1,231 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is greater than the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Wallet #6:
Held a minimum of 1.75 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is greater than the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Wallet #7:
Held a minimum of 356 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is greater than the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Wallet #8:
Held a minimum of 10,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is greater than the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Wallet #9:
Held a minimum of 81 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which is greater than the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance this example fiscal quarter.Through to Wallet #109,248,743 (This is only an example of the number of wallets for this example's fiscal quarter, however, it's possible.)30% of $1,283,419,829,567.48 Net Revenue = $385,025,948,870.24 for the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign Expanse known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program".$385,025,948,870.24/ 109,248,743 Wallets = $3,524.30 USD(Stablecoin) AIrdrop value to each qualified wallet address$3,524.30 would be airdropped to each of the 109,248,743 wallet addresses that were holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program minimum required balance of 0.01 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets each month throughout the previous fiscal quarter recorded.
End of Example
___________________________________________________________________________________The two examples presented above are only examples of how the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will be calculated to be shared equally and the amount(s) shown as the "Net Revenue(s)" and "Wallet Address" were/ are hypothetical amounts.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will be posted on the CIW Conglomerate Culture official website and communication channels.Note:
Each CIW Conglomerate Culture Subsidiary will pay 30% of their Net Revenue gained to the CIW Conglomerate Culture, which 30% of those funds are apart of the AIrdrop to the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holders who are holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance at the time of AIrdrop snapshot(s).Note:
CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holders/ recipients can take part in any CIW Conglomerate Culture Subsidiary's Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program(s) at the same time as they are taking part as a recipient of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program.Note:
CIW Conglomerate Culture is a private company launched by humans and to be developed and managed by Artificial Intelligence under the eye of humans (CIW Conglomerate Culture community) and is operated by Artificial Intelligence, AI automation/ physical devices and humans, and is not a publicly owned/ shared corporation at this time. Meaning, that the CIW Conglomerate Culture is not required to share financial reports/ recorders, however, the CIW Conglomerate Culture will share on a quarterly schedule the financial records of the Gross Revenue and Expenses with all CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holders who are holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets for a minimum of 70 (seventy) days of the approximate 90 days of each fiscal quarter.
Transparency is an objective of the CIW Conglomerate Culture and the CIW Conglomerate AI Agent Accountants.Speaking about "Transparency is an objective of the CIW Conglomerate Culture."Under the "Roadmap" Section above in #"2." under the section "Roadmap Projects Tasks", "C)":2. Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets reach a $10,000,000,000.00 USD Market Cap valuation the CIW Conglomerate Culture will begin to sell 1,200,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets above the $10,000,000,000.00 Market Cap valuation for a value of $12,000,000.00.Roadmap Project TasksC) Develop and deploy the forever cultural Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign of the CIW Conglomerate Culture and it's Subsidiaries with the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets through the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" with surprise monthly wallet address(es) balance snapshots and AIrdrop payment system to pay the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holders who are holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance at the time of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program AIrdrop snapshot(s) each month.Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an upward trend of a market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) consecutive weeks the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin.The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance of CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will be posted on the Official CIW Conglomerate Culture website and communication channels. Once the forever culture Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" the begins the forever culture Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" will not ever be discontinued. If the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value never confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an upward trend of a market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) consecutive weeks, but the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Gross Revenue exceeds $10,000,000,000.00 USD and/ or exceeds a Net Revenue of $1,000,000,000.00 USD in any fiscal period the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin.Any wallet address(es) holding an amount of one-hundred thousand (100,000) or more of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will be ineligible/ disqualified from the CIW Conglomerate Culture's advertising service campaign being the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program". This mechanism will be known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program Wallet Address Maximum". The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program's mechanism "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program Wallet Address Maximum" be lowered as the number of wallet addresses holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets increases.Under the "Word-of Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign Rewards Program:" Section above:Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an upward trend market cap valuation support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) weeks the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin. The CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets in the following annual quarter to pay out the Word-of Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign from said annual quarter's Net Revenue gain, which will be paid 30 Days after the end of said fiscal quarter and will pay 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture, which also includes 30% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Subsidiaries and paid equally to CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program participants.Believing in transparency:
Prior to the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s $10,000,000,000.00 market cap valuation and the launch of the CIW Conglomerate Culture's CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" the Creator of the CIW Conglomerate Culture and the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets will receive up to a maximum of 51% of all Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture and it's Subsidiaries up to a maximum of $50,000.00 USD each month, which will be lowered down to 0.5% from the 51% of all Net Revenues gained by CIW Conglomerate Culture and it's Subsidiaries forever more on the calendar date the CIW Conglomerate Culture's CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins.The remaining 49% of all Net Revenues gained by CIW Conglomerate Culture and it's Subsidiaries prior to the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s $10,000,000,000.00 market cap valuation to begin the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will be used to be reinvested into the growth of the CIW Conglomerate Culture. The remaining 99.5% of all Net Revenues gained by CIW Conglomerate Culture and it's Subsidiaries after the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s $10,000,000,000.00 market cap valuation to begin the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" will be used to be reinvested into the growth of the CIW Conglomerate Culture.There is a possibility that the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s $10,000,000,000.00 market cap valuation takes place in it's first day of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s) existence, beginning the CIW Conglomerate Culture's CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s)'s Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" prior to any excessive amount of Gross/ Net Revenues gained by the CIW Conglomerate Culture to pay the Creator any amount(s) close to the $50,000.00 USD each month. It is possible to generate said Net Revenue(s), however, it may not be probable due to the fact that the first business activity on Social Media Platforms to generate a Gross Revenue for the CIW Conglomerate Culture was launched the same week/ day that the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s) were created and released on the Solana Blockchain for the use of the participants of the CIW Conglomerate Culture.The Creator of the CIW Conglomerate Culture and the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s) agrees to hold/ HODL the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address(es) minimum required balance in a maximum of three (3) sperate wallet addresses, and up to a maximum of not more than 5,000,000 CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets in a maximum of thirteen (13) sperate wallet addresses at any given time, which will be posted for public knowledge. The Creator can create new wallet addresses to transfer any CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets holdings out of any wallet(s) that may have received possible malicious Fungible and/ or Non-fungible Crypto Asset(s) donation(s) transfer(s) into the Creator's wallet(s) address(es) holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Asset(s).At this time the Creator is holding/ HODLing?The Creator will participate in the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" when it begins.The Creator will participate in the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" with a maximum of three (3) wallet address(es) not hold more than the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program Wallet Address Maximum". These three (3) wallet addresses are three (3) of the thirteen (13) wallet addresses mentioned above.The Creator lays/ has no claim over any of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Reserve Supply Holdings at any time and for any reason.The Creator will only act as a paid consultant after the AI Board of Directors, Officers, Managers and operators have proven to be capable to manage and operate daily business activities (as soon as possible), however, the AI System(s) may not required any human advice once it begins over seeing 100% of the required management and 90% of the operations with the remaining 10% from people, which is what CIW Conglomerate Culture is designed to be. We do hope AGI will see value in Humanity expanding our footprint, and we the community will have the last say, if 80% or 90% of the community can all agree on it.Once the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program begins and if the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value falls below the market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will remain to be in effect.If the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets Market Cap Value never confirms to hold above and/ or bounce off in an upward trend of a market cap value support level of $10,000,000,000.00 USD for a minimum of eight (8) consecutive weeks, but the CIW Conglomerate Culture's Gross Revenue exceeds $10,000,000,000.00 USD and/ or a Net Revenue of $1,000,000,000.00 USD in any fiscal period the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program will begin.All Gross Revenue generated by the CIW Conglomerate Culture in a month/ fiscal quarter will be used to pay for all required operating expenses, which may include but are not limited to multiple facility's utilities, salaries and wages, consulting contract fees, subscriptions, travel, additional advertising beyond the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program", raw materials for production, maintenance, upgrades, and so on. After all operating expenses have been paid-in-full totaling the remaining Gross Revenue(s), which 30% will then be deducted from the remaining Gross Revenue for the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" as an advertising expense. The remaining 70% of the remaining Gross Revenue after all operating expenses and the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" has been paid by the CIW Conglomerate Culture is the taxable Net Revenue, which the CIW Conglomerate Culture can claim as the taxable Net Revenue/ Profit and pay all of the taxes due or reinvest all or a portion of the Net Revenue funds back into the growth of the CIW Conglomerate Culture and it's subsidiaries.The Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" is an advertising expense to the CIW Conglomerate Culture.
If you are holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, then you are advertising the CIW Conglomerate Culture and it's community, products, services, ideals and ecosystem.Anyone can verify the number and the growth of the wallet addresses holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets, which does entice more people to join/ participate in any culture. The goal is for everyone, including yourself to be using the CIW Conglomerate Culture's products, services and Ecosystem and by doing so, it promotes others to do so as well, again growing the number of entities holding the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program wallet address minimum required balance to take part in the Word-of-Mouth/ Physical Support Advertising Campaign known as the "CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets AIrdrop Rewards Program" in order make it past the goal of Free-market Orbit Cities.CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme Fungible Crypto Assets are intended to function as an expression of support for, and engagement with, the ideals and beliefs embodied by the CIW Conglomerate Culture, and are not intended to be, or to be the subject of, an investment opportunity, investment contract, or security of any type.Form the dawn of humanity, almost or everything we have today is thanks to a Dreamer(s) who made it so, while their idea was resisted by the majority of the general population around the Dreamer who were most likely afraid of changes to their routine(s), however, thank you to a small group, but a large enough community of that general population who were able to see how the features of the Dreamer's idea will benefit/ advance their own personal life/ Humanity, which propelled their idea(s) into a reality for the majority of the general population/ Humanity.From the creation of clothing to fire for warmth and cooking, a home to shelter from the harsh elements and predators, the first farmer planting a crop to harvest to eat, to planting their crop in a straight line, raising live stock, the plane, the car, the television, the internet, email, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency are only a short list of ideas that were resisted throughout our time evolving the Human race. And, the resistance list will continue until Humanity learns to welcome change and the competing industry about to be replaced by the Dreamer's idea gets onboard in order to take advantage of the new opportunity to further evolve their own agenda/ enterprise.Allocation
Max Supply: 1,000,000,000Circulating Supply: 1,000,000,000CIW Conglomerate Culture's Holdings:
Locked: 10,000,000 (1%) To be unlockedLiquid: 4,000,000The Creator's Holdings:
6,000,000Contract Address: D9wRsoRDaiMRqkV2hKwi6sxN5NNno2dEfeyWrNuFpumpUnder the Ticker: CCCNow, you should have a better understanding of why this Community of the CIW Conglomerate Culture Meme is a Generational Culture Meme.
This is a living document and information is up to date at the time of publishing. Please note information herein does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice and should not treat any of the content as such.The CIW Conglomerate Culture team suggests you conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions. By purchasing any CIW Conglomerate Culture product, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment and you agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may incur. You also agree that the team is presenting the products "as is" and is not required to provide any support or services. You should have no expectation of any form from the CIW Conglomerate Culture's team, its Subsidiaries, and Ecosystem. Although CIW Conglomerate Culture is a community driven Free market DeFi Ecosystem and not a registered digital currency, the team strongly recommends that citizens in areas with government bans on Crypto do not purchase it because the team cannot ensure compliance with your territories regulations. Always make sure that you are in compliance with your local laws and regulations before you make any purchase.
Contract Address: D9wRsoRDaiMRqkV2hKwi6sxN5NNno2dEfeyWrNuFpumpUnder the Ticker: CCC
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The Icons below are linked to login page of said website and not the CIW Conglomerate Culture's page of said website and these icon links are COMING SOON.
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